“Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it.” – Lao Tzu

You’ve probably heard about the importance of drinking enough water. In fact, your body can’t go more than 3 days without water. It’s a well-known fact that your body is approximately 70% water. But are you drinking enough?

The most popular recommended amount of water to drink is 2 litres per day. Most of us need more than that to make up for anything that dehydrates us during the day such as coffee, tea, alcohol, sweating, excess salt consumption, etc. Aiming for 2 to 3 litres of water per day is a good target for most people

Water plays a crucial role in your health, including brain health, digestion, skin health, metabolism, weight loss (or maintaining a healthy weight), and energy. Signs that you’re not getting enough water include fatigue, brain fog, sugar cravings, dark urine, water retention, increased inflammation, among other symptoms. Remember that dehydration is only one reason you may be experiencing these types of symptoms.

Start by assessing your water intake habits

Take a day to reflect and track your water intake. Are you already drinking enough water? Great, keep it up!

If not, challenge on!

Reasons You May Not Be Drinking Enough Water

  • Simply forget to drink water during the day.
  • Dislike or aversion to the ‘taste’ of water.
  • Up all night to use the washroom.
  • No time during the day to drink water.
  • Just not in the habit of doing it or just don’t think of it.
  • Any other reason(s)?

Just as easily as we understand that drinking enough water is important and a simple way to improve our health, we make excuses or have reasons that we don’t drink enough of it. Unfortunately, there is no way around it so being creative and holding yourself accountable can be necessary.

Tips to Help You Drink More water

  • Start your day with a big glass of water. After sleeping all night, it’s important to rehydrate.
  • Keep track of your water intake every day.
  • Set reminders on your phone, on your fridge, on your computer, etc. so you won’t forget.
  • Space it out throughout the day so you’re not catching up on your water intake at the end of the day.
  • Add some lemon water, fruit, or cucumbers to give it some natural flavour.
  • Have some herbal tea, it counts toward your water intake.
  • When you have a craving for something, have a glass of water and wait 10 minutes. You may have actually just been thirsty.

Reflect on Your Journey

  • What changes do you notice in your body when you increase your water intake?
  • Is your body adjusting to increased water intake? This may take a few weeks.
  • What makes it easy for you to drink enough water throughout your day?
  • What challenges did you find when you were drinking more water?
  • After a week, are you able and willing to continue?