“Sometimes you just need to disconnect so you can connect with what matters most.” – Author unknown

Let’s face it, screens are part of our lives. Ever-evolving technology and connectivity mean more time spent looking at screens for work, communication, learning, and entertainment. The advantages are tremendous, but so are the disadvantages. We are more connected than ever, but also more lonely than ever. In fact, rates of loneliness have doubled since the 1980’s according to this article.

On top of increased loneliness, which has a significant impact on mental health, more screen time can equal less social engagement, more time spent sitting, more brain-stimulating activity, and more exposure to electromagnetic radiation and circadian rhythm-disrupting blue light.

For this challenge, turn your screens off and reconnect with yourself and the people around you.

This challenge has personal meaning to me. A few years ago, my daughter called me out on being on my phone all the time. I was constantly checking my new social media posts to see if I had new likes or comments, as I was trying to build my online presence. I decided to delete social media from my phone, and to my great surprise, I didn’t miss it or miss out.

Start by assessing your current Habits

  • Assess your screen time. Are you ok with it, or is it more than you’d like?
  • Assess how it is impacting you and others around you, such as your children, partner, friends, colleagues, pets, etc.
  • How easy would it be for you to decrease your screen time?

Tips to help you with this challenge

  • Go out without your phone, tablet or smartwatch.
  • Remove the Apps from your phone or tablet that consume the most time and that are not necessary to your daily functioning or tasks.
  • Turn off screens at least 2 hours before bed to support healthy melatonin production.
  • Try spending a whole day without screens.
  • Be creative in ways you can decrease your screen time.

Reflect on your journey

  • How hard was it for you to decrease screentime or avoid screens all together?
  • How did you feel when doing this challenge?
  • What do you feel comfortable to keep doing as a healthy habit?